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Ravi Freeman Overtone, kirtan and Cacao workshop
Ravi Freeman Overtone, kirtan and Cacao workshop

Sat, Apr 02


The Manor Health & Wellness Centre

Ravi Freeman Overtone, kirtan and Cacao workshop

This workshop is facilitated by established musician Ravi Freeman, designed to give us the tools to harness the power of our voice for overtoning, followed by Kirtan and Cacao ceremony.

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Time & Location

Apr 02, 2022, 1:00 PM – 5:30 PM

The Manor Health & Wellness Centre, 11 Manor Rd, Colchester CO3 3LX, UK

About the Event


Overtone Singing, Kirtan with Cacao Workshop - £70 (5.5 hours)

Payments made directly to Ravi Freeman via Paypal - please reserve your spot to obtain payment details.

Overtone Singing Workshop - 1pm - 4pm

In this 3 hour workshop workshop we shall find our natural sound, breathing from the diaphragm, creating the mouth shapes for overtone singing, expanded listening and finally, hearing our own overtones clearly. We shall also sing together as an overtone choir and explore the self healing and healing effects of harmonics.

Sacred Cacao + Kirtan - 4:30pm - 5:30pm

After a short break from the voice workshop, Ravi will be offering a tender performance of Kirtan whilst sipping a hot cup of sacred cacao prepared by Ravi himself.

About Ravi Freeman

Ravi Freeman is a multi-instrumentalist, songwriter, composer and one of the longest established Western players of the kora (West African harp), Ravi’s music is the result of a lifetime exploring the edge, through world music, devotional singing, indigenous cultures, throat singing and a journey that has taken him from India to the Amazon.

As well as over 20 CDs, international performances and workshops plus the invention of the electric/stereo kora, Ravi has also worked with artists such as Nigel Kennedy, Jon Lord, Phil Manzanera, Baaba Maal, Dr John, Tarun Bhattacharya, Ronu Majumdar and Marlui Miranda.

For more information about Ravi Freeman - visit

Watch one of Ravi's videos here

Overtone Singing

The power and beauty experienced by those listening to overtone singing and harmonic music derives from the music’s pure, natural and mathematical foundation.The harmonic series note relationships are found in nature, in the human voice and, strangely, in subatomic particles. Any fundamental note, from any instrument, creates an ascending series of notes (overtones). The arrangement of these allows for infinite harmonic relationships and frees us from the restrictions of modern tuning. The Overtone Choir have been creating music as though from a parallel musical universe using overtone voice, gongs, bowls and percussion for the past fifteen years. The natural harmonics re-pattern our way of listening and free the mind, inviting us to journey within, beyond thought and emotion to the deepest of musical spaces. It is for this reason that overtones are naturally associated with meditation, healing and ceremony.

Anyone can learn to sing overtones and it is one of the most powerful skills for mastering our own energies and affecting the energy of our environment.

Overtone Singing has many benefits. As well as being cosmic and universal music, it is also a new approach to the harmonics of sound and helps to bring listening awareness to the singer as well as a state of calm and clarity, plus a sense of peace and relaxation. This form of chanting on one note where the harmonics are selectively made more audable is possible by changing the shape of the resonant cavities of the mouth, larynx and pharynx. These notes are always present in any note, but while they colour the note and give it its quality they are usually inaudi

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